Jan 2, 2013

Scene de negociere din filme

Filmele si media in general au avut intotdeauna puterea de a ne influenta macar putin in viata, in comportament, in perceptii. Putem deci sa vedem in diverse scene din filme cam cum ar trebui sau cum NU ar trebui sa fie/sa se comporte un negociator. Iata mai jos 4 scene din filme potrivite pentru studiu de caz. Jerry Maguire "Show me the money" In acest clip Tom Cruise prezinta importanta securizarii pozitiei inainte de a intra intr-o negociere: Firefly "The negotiator" Acest episod ilustreaza faptul ca este crucial ca intr-o negociere sa iti stii exact pozitia in dicutie si sa existe mereu un plan B...inclusiv sa avem pozibilitatea de a da "un exemplu" pentru a deveni credibili. Al cincilea element "Send a negotiator" Eroul principal arata partii adversare ca nu este dispus sa negocieze cu teroristi ci va face tot posibilul sa ii invinga. Entourage "Lessons in negotiation" Ari Gold se ridica impotriva mentorului sau, Terrance si se foloseste de informatii personale pentru a-si atinge obiectivul. Enjoy! R

Un an nou, noi provocari, noi motive de negociere

Anul ce a trecut a fost cum a fost pentru negociatori, insa in anul 2013 pare ca vor fi mult mai multe provocari deoarece presiunile in ce priveste partea bugetara in companii cresc din ce in ce mai mult din cauza economiei slabite la nivel mondial si care inca nu da semne de revigorare si din multe alte cauze cum ar fi crizele politice care apar in din ce in ce mai multe tari mai ales in pietele emergente. Sa ne dorim ca totul sa fie mai bine pe toate planurile sau mai bine sa incercam pe cat posibil sa ne negociem aceste dorinte, poate in cele din urma vom atinge rezultatele la care ne asteptam. R

Aug 13, 2012

Job-uri pentru manageri...studiu de caz

Astazi m-am gandit sa va povestesc un studiu de caz despre un manager care acum este intr-o perioada de cautari de job-uri (un sabbatical fortat as putea spune)si sa vedem impreuna daca aceasta poveste are happy end sau inca nu. Managerul despre care vreau sa va povestesc are undeva la peste 14 ani experienta in domeniul corporatist, a trecut prin cele mai cunoscute companii de telecom din Romania, a invatat tot ce se putea pe unde a trecut si a ajuns la un grad destul de inalt de pregatire in domenii care in teorie macar sunt foarte cautate in prezent pe piata romaneasca...vorbim de Project Management, Procurement si Real Estate. Acum ca stim cam care este experienta acestui manager, sa vedem cat de usor a gasit sau nu de munca si cat de cautate sunt domeniile in care acesta are experienta... Managerul isi cauta de munca de 8 luni, adica de la mijlocul lui decembrie 2011 cand a incheiat colaborarea cu ultima companie la care a avut un rol de conducere...a aplicat din cate am calculat, pana in acest moment la peste 400 de joburi, in Romania si in afara, care se potrivesc cu aria sa de pregatire, a ajuns la numarul magic de 5 interviuri din cele 400 de aplicatii, si...ghiciti...nu s-a concluzionat nimic pana in acest moment. Asadar, in ecuatia de mai sus, am incercat sa va povestesc cam care este rata de succes in a gasi un loc de munca a unui profesionist cu o vasta pregatire in conditiile in care peste tot ni se spune ca piata din Romania (si nu numai) are nevoie de oameni tineri, bine pregatiti care sa vina si sa puna pe picioare diversele arii de business... Apropos, am uitat sa va mentionez ca managerul despre care va povestesc are 33 de ani... Ceva pariuri?...in cat timp si daca isi va gasi ceva care sa se potriveasca cu anii de munca si de tocit creier si coate pe birouri?...ramane de vazut... R

Apr 21, 2012

Motivare si Talent Management

Managementul talentelor este o stiinta la fel de importanta ca si altele ajutand puternic la dezvoltarea business-ului corporatist. Gasim si in tara noastra, evident importate din scolile de prin alte parti, departamente si functii care mai de care mai pompoase ca si nume care se ocupa de talent management. De cele mai multe ori functiunea aceasta se regaseste in departamentele de Resurse Umane. Dar cu ce se ocupa mai exact oamenii care se ocupa de managementul talentelor?...desi de mult timp lucrez in corporatii si am discutat de multe ori cu oameni care se ocupa de talent management, nu am reusit sa inteleg foarte exact ce dezvolta acesti oameni ca si strategii, unelte, teorii pentru a inbunatati motivarea oamenilor din companie si a promova talentele. De multe ori aceasta functiune se confunda cu cea de compensare si beneficii, ajungandu-se din nou la discutia de motivare a oamenilor prin marirea salariilor cu X procente. Am mai scris si mai demult intr-un articol ca ceeaa ce numim noi componenta materiala indiferent ca se regaseste sub forma unei mariri de salariu sau a unui bonus primit la sfarsitul unui proiect reusit, dureaza si conteaza pentru un angajat fix 30 de minute. Oamenii isi doresc mult mai mult decat mariri de salariu;...nu contest faptul ca este ceva care conteaza mult pentru noi...dar nu este cel mai important factor. Componenta recunoasterii profesionale prin acel simplu "Bravo" spus din inima atunci cand totul a mers bine intr-un proiect cantareste mai mult decat banii. Componenta expunerii profesionale, aceea a responsabilizarii profesionale, sunt lucruri care conteaza mai mult decat banii as pune pariu ca pentru noi toti. Ma intreb daca oameni care se ocupa de managementul talentelor se ocupa cu elaborarea de tehnici si strategii de cresterea expunerii, a responsabilizarii in proiecte pentru oamenii care detin talente deosebite intr-o companie...chiar nu stiu raspunsul la aceasta intrebare. Am invatat de prin excursiile mele manageriale in cei 14 ani de lucru corporatist ca exista termenul de "motivare fara bani"...si am inceput sa exersez astfel de tehnici cu echipele mele. Ma gandeam ce lucruri m-ar face pe mine fericit sa aud de la seful meu, ce lucruri m-ar motiva cu adevarat sa merg mai departe cu succes in proiectele si activitatea mea in general in afara de bani... ...si tare mi-a placut ce am reusit sa fac impreuna cu acei oameni. R

Feb 2, 2012

Tehnici FBI de negociere in viata si business

Iata ca au inceput sa existe din ce in ce mai multi profesionisti sa fie interesati de subiectul negocierilor, astfel ca pe data de 2 mai va avea loc un nou eveniment de tip workshop pe aceasta tema...de data aceasta putin mai condimentat as spune eu, avand ca principali speakeri, doi fosti negociatori si profileri din FBI.

Acestia sosesc sa ne impartaseasca cateva din metodele folosite de unul dintre cele mai titrate birouri de investigatii din lume si anume FBI.
Va atasez un link catre pagina de prezentare si sa vedem cum s-ar [utea aplica metodele FBI in business-ul nostru de zi cu zi.




Jan 8, 2012

Roger Dawson, cel mai bun negociator al Americii...

"Nu vei produce niciodata bani mai rapid ca atunci cand negociezi"...spune Roger Dawson, cel mai bun negociator al Americii dupa cum precizeaza unele surse din lumea de business dar si din cea jurnalistica.

O alta abordare a negocierii de guerilla va fi prezentata de catre Roger Dawson in data de 2 martie 2012 la Bucuresti, intr-un turneu pe care a hotarat sa il faca in tarile din Europa de Est priintre care si Romania.

Concurentul nr.1 al autorilor bibliei de negociere de guerilla - "Guerilla Negotiation - Unconventional Weapons and Tactics" este asteptat de multi profesionisti din lumea de business romaneasca si iata ca ne va prezenta cateva din secretele sale de negociere sub titlul "Power Negotiating - Secretele Negocierii"

Iata si link-ul catre pagina oficiala a acestui eveniment care prezinta date despre autor cat si desfasuratorul sesiunii din 2 Martie 2012.




Dec 31, 2011

Global visions, Local roots...realitate sau doar cliseu corporatist?

Iata ca revin cu un ultim articol in acest an care incheie un capitol dar are si menirea de a deschide unul nou...despre care nu stiu foarte multe insa viitorul surprinde intotdeauna intr-un fel sau altul...

"Global visions, local roots"...o expresie tot mai des intalnita in mediul corporatist modern care pare sa explice cum ca mai toate companiile multinationale care se respecta si care au o cultura de business bine ancorata si dezvoltata promoveaza ideea de liniaritate in ce priveste viziunile si misiunea la nivel global coroborate cu adaptarea la mediul local al fiecarei tari in care isi desfasoaara activitatea.

Insa cat din definitia de mai sus este realitate aplicata si cat este doar ceva sa fie acolo, sa para ca aceste companii sunt interesate de cultura locala si nimic mai mult...
Cate dintre companiile care isi desfasoara activitatea si in Romania chiar sunt interesate de cultura locala de business astfel incat sa isi adapteze cu succes viziunea globala?

Acest articol este mai degraba o intrebare deschisa deoarece e destul de dificil sa faci un sondaj pentru a concluziona daca este asa sau nu...

Chiar mi-ar placea sa vad comentarii cu parerile cititorilor despre aceasta tema pentru ca de fapt experienta fiecaruia dintre noi poate sa ne conduca catre o concluzie sau alta.

Ce pot eu insa sa spun din proprie experienta este ca orice business este creat si coordonat de catre oameni si tot oamenii sunt aceia care pot sa duca mai departe si sa adapteze viziunea globala la culturile locale. Cum se face acest lucru cred ca este foarte important pentru ca automat aici ajungem la subiectivism si la capacitatea fiecaruia de a interpreta viziunile si valorile unei companii astfel incat sa poata adapta business-ul la pietele locale.

In Romania cred ca exita foarte putine companii care sunt cu adevarat interesate sa adapteze viziunile corporatiste globale astfel incat sa poata fi intelese corect la nivel local si ca urmare business-ul sa fie un succes... multe alte companii chiar de renume mondial fac acest lucru doar ca sa fie facute ca asa trebuie in prezentari grandioase pe sute de slide-uri colorate si aproape neinteligibile...de aici multa frustrare asupra oamenilor simpli care se intreaba inca..."ce vrea compania asta sa faca in Romania?"..."cum ar ptea sa aplice strategiile de Grup si la noi?"...

Mie inca nu mi-e foarte clar daca nu cumva aceste motto-uri sunt doar de fatada cand de fapt cultura organizationala se bazeaza tot pe romanisme si nimic mai mult...

Voua cum vi se pare ca este?...


Sep 26, 2011

Scurt glosar al celor mai uzitati termeni in activitatea de Procurement

A Glossary of Common Used Procurement Terms

The act of accepting by an authorized representative; an indication of a willingness to pay; the assumption of a legal obligation by a party to the terms and conditions of a contract.
The act of acquiring goods and services (including construction) for the use of an activity through purchase, rent, or lease. Includes the establishment of needs, description of requirements, selection of procurement method, selection of sources, solicitation of procurement, solicitation for offers, award of contract, financing, contract administration.
An addition or supplement to a document; e.g., items or information added to a procurement document or to a contract in place.
A duly executed and legally binding contract; the act of agreeing.
A written modification to a contract or purchase order or other agreements.

A result intended in the acquisition of all goods and services. Price must be one of the evaluation criteria when acquiring goods and services. Other evaluation criteria may include, but are not limited to environmental considerations, quality, and vendor performance.
A contract under which a vendor agrees to provide goods or services on a purchase-on-demand basis. The contract generally establishes prices, terms, conditions and the period covered (no quantities are specified); shipments are to be made as required by the purchaser.
A specification that uses one or more manufacturers brand names or catalog numbers to describe the standards of quality, performance and other characteristics needed to meet the requirements of a solicitation and provide for the submission of equivalent products.

A transportable article of trade or commerce that can be bartered or sold.
Something of value given or done as recompense that is exchanged by two parties; that which binds a contract.
Any written instrument or electronic document containing the elements of offer, acceptance, and consideration to which an agency is a party.
The management of all actions after the award of a contract that must be taken to assure compliance with the contract; e.g., timely delivery, acceptance, payment, closing contract, etc.
A person/company who agrees to furnish goods or services for a certain price; may be a prime contractor or subcontractor.
The combining of requirements of two or more units to obtain the benefits of volume purchases and/or reduction in administrative expenses.

A business that maintains a store, warehouse, or other establishment in which a line or lines of products are kept in inventory and are sold to the public on a wholesale or retail basis.
The formal handing over of property; the transfer of possession, such as by carrier to purchaser.
A specification setting forth the required characteristics to be considered for award of contract, including sufficient detail to show how the product/service is to be manufactured/provided.
The place to which a shipment is consigned.
Merchandise which is shipped by a manufacturer directly to a customer in response to the seller who collects orders but does not maintain an inventory.

A threat to public health, welfare, or safety that threatens the functioning of government, the protection of property or the health or safety of people.
A product or service that has a lesser or reduced impact on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose. Such products or services may include, but are not limited to those which contain recycled content, minimize waste, conserve energy or water, and reduce the amount of toxics either disposed of or consumed.
Used to indicate that an item may be substituted for a required item if it is equal in quality, performance and other characteristics.
A contract provision which permits the adjustment of contract prices by an amount or percent if certain specified contingencies occur, such as changes in the vendor's raw material or labor costs.
The examination of responses after opening to determine the vendor's responsibility, responsiveness to requirements, and other characteristics of the solicitation relating to the award.

The 12 months between one annual settlement of financial accounts and the next; a term used for budgeting, etc.
A solicitation which requires a sealed response.

All types of personal property including commodities, materials, supplies, and equipment.

A solicitation which does not require a sealed response.
A contract between an insurance company and a person or group which provides for a money payment in case of covered loss, accident or death.
A list of goods or services sent to a purchaser showing information including prices, quantities and shipping charges for payment.

The temporary association of two or more businesses to secure and fulfill a procurement bid award.

The time that it would take a supplier to deliver the goods after receipt of order.
A contract conveying from one entity to another the use of real or personal property for a designated period of time in return for payment or other consideration.
One to whom a lease is granted.
One who grants a lease.
A procurement evaluation technique which determines the total cost of acquisition, operation, maintaining and disposal of the items acquired; the lowest ownership cost during the time the item is in use.
An item of supply or service specified in a solicitation for which the vendor must specify a separate price.
The price of an article published in a catalog, advertisement or printed list from which discounts, if any, may be subtracted.
The vendor with the lowest price whose past performance, reputation and financial capability is deemed acceptable.

Required by the order stipulated, e.g., a specification or a specific description that may not be waived.
A business that makes or processes raw materials into a finished product.
The aggregate forces (including economics) at work in trade and commerce in a specific service or commodity. To sell, analyze, advertise, package, etc.
Embraces all functions of acquisition, standards, quality control and surplus property management.
Contracts awarded to more than one supplier for comparable supplies and services. Awards are made for the same generic types of items at various prices.

Requests for proposals are sometimes used as a starting point for negotiations to establish a contract. RFPs generally include more than just price considerations. This method is especially applicable when dealing with a single source manufacturer.
Price after all discounts, rebates, etc., have been allowed.
A response to a solicitation for bids stating that respondent does not wish to submit an offer. It usually operates as a procedure consideration to prevent suspension from the vendors list for failure to submit a response.

A provision (or exercise of a provision) which allows a continuance of the contract for an additional time according to permissible contractual conditions.

A document which itemizes in detail the contents of a particular package or shipment.
The payment authorized in a contract upon delivery of one or more units called for under the contract or upon completion of one or more distinct items of service called for thereunder.
By the day.
A contract of guarantee, executed subsequent to award by a successful vendor to protect the buyer from loss due to the vendor's inability to complete the contract as agreed.
A specification setting forth performance requirements determined necessary for the item involved to perform and last as required.
(shipping point)
The location where a shipment is received by a transportation line from the shipper.
An advantage in consideration for award for a contract granted to a vendor by reason of the vendor's residence, business location, or business classifications (e.g., minority, small business).
The screening of potential vendors in which such factors as financial capability, reputation and management are considered when developing a list of qualified vendors.
The amount of money that will purchase a definite weight or other measure of a commodity.
A contractual agreement in which a purchaser contracts with a vendor to provide the purchaser's requirements at a predetermined price. Usually involves a minimum number of units, orders placed directly with the vendor by the purchase, and limited duration of the contract. See Blanket Order and Requirements Contract.
Agreement among competing vendors to sell at the same price.
The combined functions of purchasing, inventory control, traffic and transportation, receiving, inspection, store keeping, and salvage and disposal operations.
The only items that can perform a function and satisfy a need. This should not be confused with "single source." An item can be proprietary and yet available from more than one source. For example, if you need a camera lens for a Nikon camera, the only lens that will fit is a Nikon lens, thus, this lens is "proprietary." However, the Nikon lens is available from more than one source, thus, it is not single source.
The process of obtaining goods and services for public purpose following procedures implemented to protect public funds from being expended extravagantly or capriciously.
A document that stipulates rules and prescribes procedures for purchasing with suppliers and other departments.
The signed written acceptance of the offer from the vendor. A purchase order serves as the legal and binding contract between both parties.

A vendor determined by a buying organization to meet minimum set standards of business competence, reputation, financial ability and product quality for placement on the vendor list.
A list of products that, because of the length of time required for test and evaluation, are tested in advance of procurement to determine which suppliers comply with the specification requirements. Also referred to as an "approved brands list."
The composite of material attributes, including performance features and characteristic, of a product or service to satisfy a given need.
Amount or number.
A reduction in the unit price offered for large volume contracts.

A rental contract giving the right to use real estate or property for a specified time in return for rent or other compensation.
A solicitation in which the terms, conditions, and specifications are described and responses are not subject to negotiation.
A solicitation in which it is not advantageous to set forth all the actual, detailed requirements at the time of solicitation and responses are subject to negotiation. Price must be a factor in the award but not the sole factor.
An internal document that a functional department (stores, maintenance, production, etc.) sends to the purchasing department containing details of materials to meet its needs, replenish stocks or obtain materials for specific jobs or contracts.
One who submits a response to a solicitation document.
The offer received from a vendor in response to a solicitation. A response includes submissions commonly referred to as "offers," "bids," "quotes," or "proposals."

A method determined by the commissioner to prevent the contents being revealed or known before the deadline for submission of responses.
Unless otherwise indicated, both professional or technical services and service performed under a service contract.
An acquisition where, after a search, only one supplier is determined to be reasonably available for the required product, service or construction item.
The process used to communicate procurement requirements and to request responses from interested vendors. A solicitation may be, but is not limited to a request for bid and request for proposal.
A concise statement of a set of requirements to be satisfied by a product, material or process that indicates whenever appropriate the procedures to determine whether the requirements are satisfied. As far as practicable, it is desirable that the requirements are expressed numerically in terms of appropriate units, together with their limits. A specification may be a standard, a part of a standard, or independent of a standard.
An item's characteristic or set of characteristics generally accepted by the manufacturers and users of the item as a required characteristic for all such items.
The process of defining and applying the conditions necessary to ensure that a given range of requirements can normally be met, with a minimum of variety, in a reproducible and economic manner based on the best current techniques.

The recording of responses for the purposes of comparison, analysis and record keeping.
A phrase generally applied to the rules under which all bids must be submitted and the stipulations included in most purchase contracts; often published by the purchasing authorities for the information of all potential vendors.

The price of a selected unit of a good or service (e.g., pound, labor hours, etc.).

An organized effort directed at analyzing the function of systems, products, specifications, standards, practices, and procedures for the purpose of satisfying the required function at the lowest total cost of effective ownership consistent with the requirements for performance, reliability, quality and maintainability.
Someone who sells something; a "seller."
A list of names and addresses of suppliers from whom bids, proposals and quotations might be expected. The list, maintained by the purchasing office, should include all suppliers who have expressed interest in doing business with the company.

The representation, either expressed or implied, that a certain fact regarding the subject matter of a contract is presently true or will be true. Not to be confused with "guarantee," which means a contract or promise by one person to answer for the performance of another person.


Aug 6, 2011

Guerrilla negotiating - Unconventional Weapons and Tactics to Get What You Want

O carte intr-adevar de capatai pentru cei care doresc sa afle din tainele negocierii de guerrilla.
O carte scrisa intr-un stil dur, foarte realist si cu exemple foarte bine nuantate.
Iata mai jos un preview, un flavour al acestei lucrari care merita citita/ascultata chiar si din curiozitate.



Jul 18, 2011


In libertatea constiintei mele, atunci cand ea nu e adormita, ma mir de ceea ce pot simti. Atata bine. Ma mir ca atunci cand ratiunea e pusa pe liber, ceea ce pana acum mi se parea poate catastrofic, de neconceput, pare atat de simplu si firesc. Atat de bun. Si nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu ma intreb: este tristetea rodul ratiunii? Este fericirea, de fapt, starea de spirit de drept a fiintei noastre?
Ancorati in cliseele de dupa care abia mai putem respira, ne oprim cateodata din mersul anevoios si dam la o parte, unul cate unul, straturile de praf care ne-au amortit simtirea. Ar trebui sa descoperim atunci ca nu ne mai doare o vorba spusa de cineva drag, caci realizam ca ne doare, de fapt, motivul rational pe care il gasim atunci pentru ea. Tristetea, suferinta, sunt consecintele gandurilor noastre si nu ale sufletului nostru. Descoperim ca iubirea pentru acel drag e ceea ce razbate, in fapt, din sufletul nostru. E oare asa?
Ca sa putem intelege, ar trebui, poate, sa trecem intr-un alt registru. Am citit undeva ca nu exista fericire. Ca ceea ce noi numim asa, e absenta suferintei. Asadar, ca am avea doua stari native: de suferinta si de ne suferinta. Antagonismul e aplicabil la orice termeni: nu exista bine, exista doar absenta raului. El se poate, insa, aplica si in revers: nu exista intuneric, exista doar absenta luminii. Si-atunci te intrebi care sunt notiunile reale si care sunt cele create de noi? Cele pozitive, cele negative sau ambele coexista in fapt. Ambele sunt rodul atat al mintii, cat si al sufletului?
Singurul element la care ma pot raporta ca sa gasesc raspunsul ar fi acela sa incerc sa inchid ochii si sa ma intreb daca diminetile, la jumatate de clipa de trezire, inaintea oricaror ganduri, simt bine. Daca atunci cand ma ia somnul, in milisecunda de dianainte de a-mi pierde cunostiinta intr-ale viselor, simt bine. Cu alte cuvinte daca in acel punct zero dintre subconstient si constient, simtim bine.
Va las sa faceti acest exercitiu si sa trageti singuri concluziile...